Karla Jay, PhD
- A trailblazer in the field of lesbian and gay studies
- An award-winning author
- An activist for LGBTQ and women's issues.
Left photo, Karla Jay in 1992. credit: Jill Posener;
right, Karla Jay, today. credit: Collier Schorr
I am the award-winning author of ten books, an acclaimed scholar, and cultural critic. My presentations about the LGBTQAI+ movement after the Stonewall Riots and about the Second Wave of Feminism have taken me all over the United States, as well as to Canada, England, Scotland, and Continental Europe.
I have been an activist for Civil Rights, Peace, Women’s Rights, and LGBTQ rights for over a half century. I am still fully engaged in organizing, writing, marching, and volunteering.
I have a number of exciting events and appearances in films and books coming up, so please check back. If you can’t come to an event or personally participate in Stonewall 50 and World Pride in NYC next June, perhaps you can bring the voice of Stonewall 50 to your own community in the not-too-distant future. (And don’t forget that 2020 is the 50th anniversary of the world-famous Lavender Menace action, which I, as a member of Radicalesbians, had a part in crafting and executing!)
I am honored to be appearing in a number of forthcoming documentaries about Stonewall 50, an incredible milestone in our history/herstory/theirstory.
Feel free to drop me a line on the contact page. You are the people of the future for whom I wrote, organized, and took to the streets.
Yours, in love and struggle, Karla
To the best of my ability, I try to keep my page on Wikipedia, accurate and up to date. If you spot errors or irregularities, please contact me. Before using information on my page, please confirm with me. Thank you!
Copyright © 2019 Karla Jay, Author & Activist - All Rights Reserved.
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